Dare i say it prepositionally speaking that the old Chinaman from Koenigsberg had engraved on the headstone that marks his final resting place. "Two things amaze me. The starry skies above. The moral law within." That rule is deterministic via our being in each decision or choice dutifully performed in our doing or working for the greater good or morale. To love our others as we love ourself is the command and as such the moral imperative in that, no matter what violence is initiated, no matter whether visual or verbal, one is given permission to break the vicious circle of tit for tat with an act of kindness. The rule that answers succinctly the challenge posed by Vega that promises to leave the land with no stain of blood and overthrow the fool as the one being unwise, unjust, UN loving, unloved therefore powerless. Christ died once and for all time, paid the ransom required by divine justice to release prisoners held captive by the lawless deeds of lawless men: ones who treat us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark, feed us lies, for personal gain as opposed to public gain. Thus is the man of lawlessness exposed? At least, that is as best as I can do to bridge the gap between what is and what ought to be. Private goes public every time you walk out your front gate. By preposition is meant the set of words that include or exclude. One is either in or out of the kingdom of GOD or good. We ought get our hearts around the concepts that words identify in a subject, in a object and in a movement of which their are now some seven billion of them living in the circle of the earth whose story truly matters especially to their creator and his agents. Luv Peat:)
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