Monday, September 17, 2012

Something from nothing

That which has no part in euclidean space is defined as a point.

That defines and explains salient tensions definitions of a circle.

But the mathematicians will interject and say a circle has area.

In response is said that for to draw a circle with one line is easy.

One begins at point Zorro with silver bullet and mask over eyes.

From the centre draws a spiral vortex that has overlapping edges.

Wow Mom a circle from whose area one can take one quarter out of

And guess what is coming up next is not a pacman but the square

That is surrounding the circle that is near equal by taking 1 from 22/7.

21/7 is 3 squares of the radius of a circle giving a near and ready reckoner.

Something has been made from nothing that formerly had not one part.

Julius Sumner Miller asked funny peculiar questions "Why is it so?" to sow.

Seed of varying capabilities to commence a countdown add soil and water.

liv n' learn n' ern 'n peace n' joy n' peat n' (ExE) = ME(C^2)
Anyone who thinks that I should study mathematics is in for a bit of a shock for in the above is a simplified way of looking at the circle. 21/7 or 3/4 is a near enough approximation to 22/7. Certainly not as unwieldy as pi to n decimal places. The subject dealt with is MEASUREMENT. Cutting a stick of wood, metal or glass to an accuracy of +/- 1mm in the metric scale requires some skill and practice and is generally considered to be near enough. To +/- .1 gets important if the thing made is only 1mm BIG means it is out by 10%. We have discussed this be fore and the above is as I said previously simply another viewpoint. The molten sea in front of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem used this same approximation method.

I am not that interested in mathematics per se. Simply with its philosophy or in other words its logical structure. Then only so that it is for a practical purpose. Not as the incompleteness theorem of Godel states. "For any system of propositions there are propositions in that system that cannot be proved." Mathematics is much deeper than mere numbers. Let alone the 5th postulate of Euclid's giving rise to modern day topology and along with it visual representations of hyperbolic spaces from de sitter space to anti de sitter space.
In mathematics and physics, a de Sitter space is the analog in Minkowski space, or spacetime, of a sphere in ordinary, Euclidean space. The n-dimensional de Sitter space, denoted , is the Lorentzian manifold analog of an n-sphere (with its canonical Riemannian metric); it is maximally symmetric, has constant positive curvature, and is simply-connected for n at least 3.If you want to teach me about that when can we start?

 i note with interest the i is in all of those equations. i in this case not iPhone but "imaginary number existing and is it on our in or over or under through or towards or away from its circles of circumference or its spheres of area or spheres of volume or perhaps even better again spheres of TIME. All time is in that space so it looks at least to me.

liv n' learn n' peat<:<)>

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