Saturday, April 2, 2011

"law of correct demonstration"

Some time ago after MD mentioned the "Undistributed Middle" I did a little research, but probably not enough. I put the string set "law of correct demonstration" into google, and it appears that this string set is the one mention of it in the billions/trillions of string sets on the entire net. The following quote is as written, and the quote after is after putting the same paragraph through I think that site is a little dodgy though, since avast informed me just after I registered that a DCOM invasion attempt occured, which I instantly researched, and found this very useful link from Gibson Research. Make sure your firewall ports have got their tails covering there Ares. Windows has much to answer for in relation to internet security, I think. Any way enough of digressions, lets get down to the factors.

Undistributed Middle Problem

There are in the above ten logical fallacies. This is only a work in progress and will require much refinement by the process of dialogue. Many of you will not read this document; this makes you guilty of an ignoratio elenchi. The ten problems reduce down to eight problems that reduce down to one problem. So what? Whatever. By asking that first then one is enabled to identify which logical fallacy has been applied by a member of the political, religious or commercial domains. Some frostcloudians I consider to be a political domain in the sense that a policy once initiated becomes an action the rest of you simply don’t care. We therefore can all be equal in guiding the intentions of reasons in our hearts to one common purpose. Purpose is gained by making correct decisions in each and every situation that we find ourselves in. The future is made by decisions made today. Then has gone, when is yet to come, NOW is here enjoy. I welcome with JOY any criticism that leads my thoughts and feelings for this subject of reason, for possession of a belief out of error of judgment as you ought to as well. Thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis? Examine the possibilities of each member of human society being able to instantly identify an error of judgment. Is that not true love of neighbor by identifying the evil that has caused corruptions? It that is intelligence will be increased and so true peace will for a certainty prevail. No more secrets to keep just open transparent honest intentions of the heart by way of reason and logic. How? By understanding by comprehending the function of languages.

Grammarly found 7 writing issues in your text
Score: 0 of 100 (poor, revision necessary)
Plagiarism 100% amazingly it found my article and compared the pasted text.

There are in the above ten logical fallacies. This is only a work in progress and will require much refinement by the process of dialogue. Many of you will not read this document; this makes you guilty of an ignoratio elenchi. The ten problems reduce down to eight problems that reduce down to one problem. So what? Whatever. By asking that first, then one is enabled to identify, which logical fallacy has been applied, by a member of the political, religious or commercial domains. Some frostcloudians I consider to be a political domain, in the sense that a policy once initiated becomes an action the rest of you simply don’t care. We therefore can all be equal in guiding the intentions of reasons in our hearts to one common purpose. Purpose is gained by making correct decisions in each and every situation that we find ourselves in. The future is made by decisions made today. Then has gone, when is yet to come, NOW is here enjoy. I welcome with JOY any criticism that leads my thoughts and feelings for this subject of reason for possession of a belief out of error of judgment, as you ought to as well. Thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis? Examine the possibilities of each member of human society being able to instantly identify an error of judgment. Is that not true love of neighbor, by identifying the evil that has caused corruptions? It, that is intelligence, will be increased and so true peace will for a certainty prevail. No more secrets to keep just open transparent honest intentions of the heart, by way of reason and logic. How? By understanding by comprehending the function of languages.

A few commas at conjunctions and I agree it reads a little more clearly. Below are some part of the list of checks that a grammerly construction goes through in order to form an English sentence. You are the person who corrects mistakes you make, you can pay attention to good advice, you my not understand very clearly, but that is an experience everybody since birth goes through till the day they die. Hey nobody is perfect, but at least we know it is an objective.

Use of articles
Use of conjunctions Use of nouns
Incorrect use of numbers
Incorrect use of prepositions
Pronoun agreement
Use of adjectives and adverbs
Comparing two or more things
Faulty parallelism
Confusing modifiers
Incorrect use of negatives
Use of qualifiers and quantifiers
Subject and verb agreement
Verb agreement
Verb form use
Modal verbs
Conditional sentences
Sentence structure
Passive voice use


P.S. If by happenstance you watched the videos on this link Politics Movies & Space I think its in the fifth episode you will find a line quoted by one of the crew on the set of 2001 where the context of it is that because Kubrick was always right that made him a bastard or words to that effect. The study of effects as seen and understanding what causes them is vitality.

1 comment:

PeatantiCs said...

Thank you Q which sounds like James Bond after he was given an Aston Martin.

There is a fifth term and that is U which is not included in most logic books.
Well it is but usually in a different place a little like an opposing thumb.
This is where the excluded middle comes in handy in the subject of predication.

[A & E] S is P or not P. A kind of law of identity like Fear=Phobia=Paranoia.
[I & O] Some S is P or not P. Similar except some fears=some phobias etc.
[u] is where the excluded middle is helpful in that there is no third opinion.

We use a name to identify a thing one has had experience with a priori.
We use the term apple because we have all agreed to call that fruit apple.
The sound apple is separate from the sound orange after the fact: AGREE?

The sound or the spelling of the term apple is not the apple but an instruction.
Given to the mind and memory of all of those experiences with apple recalled.
When we look at a red apple we only see red if we are not color blind.
Law of identity Law of Contradiction and the Excluded middle are a muddle.
If and only if you fail to comprehend, understand them clearly as translated.

A is A or Apple equals Apple is the law of identity and is tautologous in form.
If A is B, A is not not-B is the law of contradiction forbids us to say A=B&-B.
A is B, or A is not B is the law of the excluded middle and says there is no third option.

The practical applications of this I leave up to imaginations in your reasons.
There is more to be said on this problem and the application to daily life of all.