Friday, December 17, 2010

Ether(ISED) sociology: HOW STRANGE!

Spaced out said: "Why does there have to be an ether to carry waves? Is everything composed of waves?"
Boobo Said: "I expect that life comes to the physical in units of one.

 I accept that all that is is within a single universe. Granted much of what is known and what may be discovered seem to behave quite differently, but so do different phases of matter and we have developed a physics that includes them all."

Galatomec said: "Prigogine’s dissipative structures. "
TruthInArt Said:

Disapative structures as relationships between forces and distances to unravell.
Incompleteness and non determinable outcomes are fish hooks that worry?
DO you agree to FACT a synonym for the space-time-continuum is volume?
DO you agree FACT the shortest distance between two points is a line?
DO you agree FACT the line of time is without the boundaries of volume?

DO you agree FACT the Volume is a hyperbolic structure like an exponent?
DO you agree FACT Euclid's parallel postulate is not inside of the first four?
IF SO then we are very like fish in the sea seeking food and dodging sharks.
WE are FORCED to deal constantly with dissipative events through existing.
Generally speaking we the human organism oscillate between angst and joy.

That forms the wave of time that we are riding as we surf unto the shore.
BIG WAVE RIDERS are we now by giving the ether a volume and a measure?
The anthropic principle denotes the statement of habitations via THE ACTUAL.
Reactualization of process denotes before during and after an event in motion.
That LAW IS IMMUTABLE and there is no other LAW to ever have to consider.

The PROCESS produces an outcome that results via actuality sufficienct means.
The rails anciently ART epistemological and metaphysical meanings in the SELF.
Kali Polis in greek means "BEAUTIFUL CITY" search for wisdom, for signs not justice.
There are five words we do not have any idea whatsoever as to what ACTION IS.

Play TIC TAC TOE with those NINE WORDS and we will KNOW who created ALL.
The english LANGUAGE went through a PHASE CHANGE and we NEVER NOTICED.
That EVENT is STRANGER than any FICTION, MYTH or STORY about any WAR.
"Verbs in the English language are a lexically and morpologically distinct part of speech.
Verbs denote an ACTION, an EVENT or a STATE hence either TRANSITIVE or NOT.

To write is to learn about that which fails/succeeds which is THE OBJECTIVE.
After the FAILURE of an EXPERIMENT after the FACT you KNOW what not to DO!
Art is ACTION in CREATION, I never EVER saw one thing created nor destroyed without a will.

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Welcome to FishVille!

In FishVille you can raise a large variety of fish to earn money to further expand and improve your fish tanks. With the help of your friends and neighbors, you can be a champion fish breeder in no time flat!
Review Fish Status
Raising Fish
Feeding Fish
Adult Fish
Sick Fish
Netting Fish To Sell
Mature Fish
Cleaning the Fish Tank
Level and Experience
Fish Store
Visiting and Helping Neighbors

Review Fish Status
Move the mouse around the tank and roll over any fish. You will see them stop so you can get a good look at them. Their status is very important to successfully raising many schools of happy fish!

Raising Fish
You need to get fish eggs to start, which can be found in the Store. You will see many types of fish, but what is most important are the fish you can afford to buy and what their growth time is. Growth time is the duration of time it takes for a fish to grow from a baby to an adult. To buy a fish, click Buy in the Store, and the cursor will change to an egg. Every click drops a new fish egg, and charges your account. Each fish needs time to grow into an adult in order to be sold. Roll over a baby fish to see the percentage of their maturation time left to grow before it becomes an adult.

Feeding Fish
Fish get hungry, and it's easy to feed them. Simply click on the Feed Fish tool button in the lower right of the screen, and click to drop a flake directly in the tank. Food is especially important for Adult Fish - if they Starve for an entire age cycle, they will get sick and die!

Adult Fish
Fish can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to four or more days to grow before they can be sold. Rolling over fish will show you their current growth and hunger. Adult fish will also show the cash value and experience you will get when you sell them. Once fish become adults they will become hungry at the same rate equal to their growth before they get sick (example: a one day fish will become sick after two days have passed with no food). You need to sell the fish before it dies, or feed it to keep it longer. Remember, baby fish cannot be sold.

Sick Fish
If your fish become sick, they will have at least three days before it dies. The fish needs Medicine to be Healed before you can feed them normal food again.

Netting Fish To Sell
Click the Sell Fish tool in the lower right of the screen, and move the Net icon over an Adult fish. Click the mouse to scoop up the fish and immediately sell it for coins and experience.

Mature Fish
Patient fish breeders can let their fish age longer so they grow larger and become more valuable. Make sure you come back to feed your fish often or you risk losing your investment! Simply feed your adult fish to keep them from being hungry, but do not sell yet. In their next growth cycle, they will have aged, making them even more valuable (rolling the cursor over a fish will show their age cycle and new value). The longer you keep feeding them, the more valuable they will become! At Age 4, they will grow one last time! Once fish become mature they will gain an additional one day for growth and hunger time.

Cleaning the Fish Tank
Algae will grow on the tank, and it's easy to remove it. Simply roll the mouse over the algae and click on it. It will disappear and you will be rewarded for your efforts!

Level and Experience
Actions like buying fish, selling fish, removing dead fish, cleaning your tank's algae and helping friends award experience points. As these points accumulate, your level will raise and more items will be unlocked for you to use and send as gifts to your friends.

Fish Store
Click the Store icon to open the menu. From here you can purchase a variety of items:
Fish Eggs
This is where sea life begins. The better investments will require higher levels of experience.
These underwater plants add beauty to the tank.
These items add personality and charm to any fish tank. After placing it, you can click it again to flip it or change its size, or drag it to place it somewhere else in the tank.
More Tanks
You can purchase additional tanks to further expand your personal aquatic world.

You can receive gifts from your friends and send gifts to them as well. Send gifts to your friends often, and they'll be sure to return the favor! Remember, gaining more experience will unlock new gifts.
Also, the only way to receive special creatures is through gifts!

By using the My Neighbors page you can invite any of your friends to be one of your neighbors. They will then show up on your Neighbor Ladder which will allow you to visit them anytime. However, your friend must accept the invitation first.

Visiting and Helping Neighbors
All Neighbors are shown in the Neighbor Ladder at the bottom of the tank. By clicking on a Neighbor, you will visit that Neighbor’s tank! Usually your Neighbor will ask you to perform a job to help them, which will award you with experience and coins! So be sure to Invite all of your friends as Neighbors!

Mute Sounds
Turn on/off sound
Mute Music
Turn on/off music.
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If you are having trouble seeing Fishville, please update your flash player by clicking HERE. All items including but not limited to user interface, design, game design, artwork and scoring system Copyright © 2010 Zynga Game Network Inc. All rights reserved

 Then search for the CHEAT CODES and WIN by default! some games have GODMODE!

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